InvestHer Application

Register here to become an InvestHer.


  • You must be a female of at least 18 years of age, a resident of South Carolina and owner of a business that is located in South Carolina.

  • InvestHers are funding and judging the grant competition. We ask that all InvestHers make a minimum donation of $500. Our goal is to give one woman $10,000 gift.

  • You must attend the virtual adjudication on May 24th at 6:00 PM.

  • While not required, we would love for all of the InvestHers to attend the Invest In Her Award Luncheon on June 1 in Greenville, South Carolina to present the contest winner with her award and network with all of the applicants.


  1. Complete the form below.

  2. Please make a donation (minimum $500) via the link below.

  3. We will contact you with confirmation and next steps.